It seems my depression has gotten the best of me. I'm not doing very well in general. My projects have come to a complete stop and I'm going nowhere with anything. I have come to the revelation that I need to let go of my fear of certain people's opinions of me, particularly those I know from high school. I think I was too worried to grow as a person and find my audience that I just wasn't doing much for myself. Here are the few updates that I have:
1. I start summer school on Monday. I'm taking my second English course which I'm not excited for. It's 5 weeks long and I'm nervous about being overwhelmed.
2. I did do some editing on Around the Sun but as time goes on nothing major is being done.
3. I began putting together 100 Degree Winter and realized that I don't actually have that much to put in it! But what's there so far is great.
4. I've been avoiding finishing a story I'm writing to post on here but it is about halfway finished. I also have an essay I'm editing for you guys that I've been putting off.
5. I just celebrated the summer solstice and the full moon which was nice. I hope someday I won't have to celebrate alone!
Wish me a successful July as I take on school, building new friendships (I hope), and gaining a new audience! Sending much love to you all <3